Saturday, November 23, 2013

18 Days, Fun and Facebook

Well in 18 days I will be back in America so this is the LAST push.  After 12 quizzes (Essential Vet Skills, Clin Path, Pathology), 11 midterms, and countless hours of lectures all the stands between me and ending my 4th semester as a vet student is 7 finals (2 lab finals in Path and Clin path and 5 in my classes).   I have worked my butt off, as well as the rest of my classmates, and I hope our grades show for it.

This has been of the most demanding semesters both physically and mentally.  But part of it is my fault, as I have not allowed myself to have proper breaks.  Tonight really reminded me how important it is to put down the books for a few hours and go see a movie, go out to dinner, etc.

Brittany and I went to see Catching Fire tonight and it was absolutely amazing.  It also allowed me for a few hours to forget about school and all the stress that comes along with it.  I need to get away from the computer (and facebook) and just go live a little.  I allowed myself to get too worried about what was going on with the facebook world and let it upset me.  From now on, I am going to spend less of “my breaks” on facebook and I am going to go do something that allows me to enjoy life and this island.  It is funny how much I have let this silly social network affect my happiness and sanity this semester.  I am really going to try to spend less time on it and more time doing things that make me happy.

Any spare hopes and prayers will be appreciated in the next few weeks to come.  I wish my classmates the best of luck as well on these finals. Lets kick butt PINK!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Football, Tests, Tutoring, Studying and AFRICA

This is going to be a short post since I REALY need to study…imagine that.  We have mini blocks this Friday.  Mini blocks consist of 2 tests from 2 different subjects Epidemiology and Pathology.  The test is a total of 40 questions (20 from each class) and you have a hour to do it.  I struggled with the last mini blocks and I ran out of time and I had a hard time switching my mind from on class to another.  This one doesn’t help that we have 36 lectures for the 40 questions…Must keep swimming.

Had 2 tests since the past post…MOD (mechanism of Disease) and Clinical pathology.  Missed 2 on each exam for an A on each.  Right now my grades are sitting at 4 A’s and a B.  I would love to keep them this high but I am realistic and finals always get the best of me and I am sure a few of those will drop. 

Yesterday was my favorite day of the semester- Powederpuff Football.  I started playing my first year in college on my sorority’s team and have loved every minute of it.  This semester was NO different.  My teammates were awesome and the coaches really cared.   We didn’t win the entire thing but with a 2-1 record we captured 3rd out of 3 teams.   Playing also really makes me miss all my AXO sister's back at home.  No one understands the bonds that we share!! I can't wait to see you all in December!

I have to say playing 3 games in 3 hours I am TOTALLY exhausted today!  Good thing I have nothing planned but to study for my mini blocks.

The last but of excitement is….I SENT IN MY DEPOSIT TO GO TO AFRICA!! I will be going on my August break with Wildlife Vets.  The link is If you want to read anymore about my trip. I still want to be a small animal vet but this is such an amazing opportunity to step outside my comfort zone and gain some valuable experience and of course make some lifelong memories.

Booking my trip also means I will not see America after this break for an entire year and if everything goes right will be the end of my 7th semester so I will be off this island for good.  I sure hope the fast food industry stays in business without me being home. 

We are about to enter week 11 of classes…4 more weeks of lecture and then finals.  I have a feeling this time is going to fly by.  1 more midterm and 7 finals (2 of our classes have a lab final portion) stands between me and Christmas vacation.